Monday, June 14, 2010

Happiness, more of less, is just my state of mind

In love with this absolutely maddingly flipping track - let me warn you - you may not enjoy the tune - but you will assuredly love the lyrics. It's called 'Lucky Man' by the 'The Verve.'

Uptill now, i was filled with notions about loving sumthing or sumone. It's so easy to relate to a set societal view rather then veering into the so called 'unknown.' But it really is just a state of mind - a sense of freedom from your own boundaries. - Of risking the confines of your own limitations in an attempt to reach out to an intellectual version of you you thought never existed.

And in my entire quest to be a rebel from regular traditions and norms, i forgot that i am destroying everything i have loved the most - aka me.

So my new love, now, is me. and this love is not the destructive kind, but the self-romancing let's get on with it kinda love. ZTry it. It's difficult, but fun.

Ps. if interested: